As a member of the FBBC, your organisation will benefit from deeper knowledge and understanding, participation in networks and communities and greater access to business opportunities.
FBBC is a trade promotion body, which supports and assists UK businesses interested in/already operating or investing in Francophone countries. Our events provide an invaluable opportunity for companies to learn about market opportunities, economic developments and government plans, to meet ministers and officials, and to learn from each other’s progress and experience. FBBC members benefit from:
- High level trade missions with access to government and business
- Webinars focusing on countries or themes, including exclusive online member networking
- Live events including business lunches, networking, cultural events, diplomatic events (when appropriate)
- Lobbying and support for members with governments
- Insight into markets via social media, thought pieces and news
FBBC membership subscription rates 2021
Band 1: Major Corporate Member £999
Major Corporate Members are those companies with more than 250 employees worldwide.
Band 2: Corporate Member £649
Corporate Members are those companies with more than 30 employees worldwide.
Band 3: SME Member/ Academic Member £299
SME Members are those companies with fewer than 30 employees worldwide. Including sole traders. Academic members are those representing colleges or universities.
Subscription rates cover 12 months from date of membership or renewal unless otherwise stated.
These are the minimum subscription rates. We welcome additional sponsorship from organisations or individuals who wish to make a greater contribution to the work of the FBBC in pursing our goals of enhanced trade and development.
Membership Application Form
Please read the membership terms and conditions and complete this form. The FBBC Board of Directors will consider the application within 48 hours of its receipt and the applicant notified of the outcome as soon as possible after that time. Once membership has been confirmed, the new member will receive an invoice for the annual membership fee.